EV Conversion


EV86 Convert

Part 6

97-7-25 End of first period

We planed schedule for conversion it would have ended this day. But schedule always DO NOT work. So, we decided the end of FIRST period.
We had BBQ party in the afternoon. And, enjoyed kart at Firstest Club in Tsuchiura.
I Saw THIS! It must be in the movie "Never ending story...". I saw it was flying.
No kidding?
It is a dog kept in the kart club.
Then eat eat eat..
Mr. Gogh joined the party.
The finalist of "1st Hiros Cup Championship Kart"
Qualified by time trials, three finalist was going to race.
Result of the 1st championship. Winner was Sanda.
"Fully enjoyed!"
"I'll be crazy about kart!"
We not finalists also enjoyed.

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